Are you looking for Yo Mama Breath Jokes? Here you will find a large collection of the funniest, most insulting and best Yo Mama Breath Jokes you can find on the web! These funny Yo Momma jokes about breath can be rude, mean, dirty, nasty, stupid and dark but also very funny, silly and entertaining. Our list of funny Yo mama jokes will lead to laughter. Be sure to read them all. Laugh more and live longer!
Yo mama breath smells so bad she walked by a clock and it said, “Tic Tac.”
Yo mama breath so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo mama so dumb I asked her what she does for a living and she said breathe.
Yo mama's breath is so bad that when she talks her nose hairs fall out.
Yo mama's breath is so foul, she uses a lynx as a breath freshener
Yo mama's breath is so foul, she uses Glade as a breath freshener.
Yo mama's breath is so nasty that it chases away Miasma.
Yo mama's breath is so stanky, she eats odour eaters.
Yo mama's breath is so stinky, I don't know whether to give her gum or toilet paper.
Yo mama's breath smell so bad, when she yawns, her teeth duck.
Yo mama's breath smells so bad people look forward to her farts.
Yo mama's breath smells so bad that when she yawns her teeth duck out of the way.
Yo mama's breath smells so fresh that Wrigley's could make a chewing gum flavour based on it.
Yo mama's breath's so strong, she be blowin' bubbles with Now & Laters.
Yo mama's so fit that she could run a marathon, teach a Zumba class AND climb Mount Everest without stopping to catch her breath once.
Yo mama’s breath is the secret ingredient in the Weasly’s Butterscotch Barf-ies.
Yo momma smells so bad that you run to the gaming room to get a breath of fresh air!
Yo momma so ugly your dad's breath smells like shit because he would rather kiss her ass.
Yo momma's breath is so bad, her teeth have asbestos caps.
Yo momma's breath so bad she has to take prescription Tic Tac
Yo momma's breath so stank when she talks to her plants they hold their breath.
I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!
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