Are you looking for Yo Mama Ear Jokes? Here you will find a large collection of the funniest, most insulting and best Yo Mama Ear Jokes you can find on the web! These funny Yo Momma jokes about ears can be rude, mean, dirty, nasty, stupid and dark but also very funny, silly and entertaining. Our list of funny Yo mama jokes will lead to laughter. Be sure to read them all. Laugh more and live longer!
Yo daddy so stupid he put two quarters in his ear and thought he was listening to the rapper 50 cent!
Yo mama arms are so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo mama so big when you climb on top of her your ears pop.
Yo mama so gross that I called her on the phone and got an ear infection.
Yo mama so silly she put two quarters in her ear and thought she was listening to 50 Cent.
Yo mama so ugly her mama put rubber bands on her ears so that people would think that she was only wearing a mask.
Yo mama so ugly if it weren't for her big ears, you couldn't tell her head from her butt.
Yo mama's ears are so big she can hear farts on the way.
Yo mama's ears are so big she can hear sign language.
Yo mama's ears are so big she can hear what I'm thinking.
Yo mama's ears are so big, she drives the freeways by sonar!!
Yo mama's got no ears and was trying on sunglasses.
Yo mama's head is so small, she got her ear pierced and died.
Yo mama's lips are so big, she can whisper in her own ears.
Yo mama's so fat that when you get on top of her your ears pop.
Yo mama's so fat when your father mounts her, his ears pop.
Yo mama's so nasty that I when I talked to her on the phone, she gave me an ear infection.
Yo mama's so stupid that she put 2 quarters in her ears and thought she was listening to 50 cent.
Yo mama's so stupid that she put two M&M's in her ears and thought she was listening to Eminem.
Yo momma has no ears.... I seen the bitch trying on sunglasses.
Yo momma has one ear and has to take off her hat to hear what you're saying.
Yo momma so fat when you get on top of her your ears pop!
Yo momma so ugly you could tell the face, only 'cuz it had ears.
I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!
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