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Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Showing 31 to 60 of 146 Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes
Yo mama so ugly trainers throw blue pokeblocks at her. But she ain't evolving anytime soon.
Yo Mama so ugly, all the gym leaders instantly give her the badges.
Yo mama so useless she makes a Magikarp look like sliced bread.
Yo mama so wild that Ash thought she was a pokemon instead!
Yo Mama stinks so bad that when she farts, Spiritombs come flying out her ass.
Yo mama's so dumb that she thought Pineco was Pupitar!
Yo mama's so fat she'd still be huge even after using Minimize eight times.

Funny Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Yo mama's so gross, even Muk is disgusted by her.
Yo mama's so hideous and nasty, even Hydreigon and Gyarados faints from her Scary Face.
Yo Mama's so high that when she trips she looks like a Spinda.
Yo mama's so scary, Sharpedo swim away from het.
Yo mama's so stupid, she thinks Fire beats Water.
Yo mama's so stupid, she thinks Unown knows two attacks.
Yo mama's so trashy, even Garbodor don't want her!
Yo mama's so ugly Pokestar Studios filmed Slaking's in The Mist in her bathroom.

More Hilarious Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Yo mama's so big, Snorlax wouldn't even sleep around with her body.
Yo mama's so boring she could put a Vigoroth to sleep.
Yo mama's so dumb she got locked in her own house with a Klefki and couldn't get out.
Yo mama's so dumb she got locked in the Goldenrod Department Store and starved to death.
Yo mama's so dumb she laughed at these dumb pokemon Yo mama jokes.
Yo mama's so dumb she sent a kid out alone on a worldwide journey with only a few animals for company.
Yo mama's so dumb she thought the nuggets were just gold-wrapped chocolates.
Yo mama's so dumb she went to Hoenn and couldn't find water.

Even More Yo Momma to Jokes Enjoy

Yo mama's so fat a Snorlax attempted to use Attract on her.
Yo mama's so fat a snorlax fell in love with her!
Yo mama's so fat Dragonite takes 16 years to fly a circle around her.
Yo mama's so fat even Machamp couldn't lift her.
Yo mama's so fat her Pokedex image required 3 Dubious Disks to hold!
Yo mama's so fat she asks snorax for dieting advice.
Yo mama's so fat she can't even fit inside a pokéball.

Still More Yo Mama Jokes to Explore

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

Do you have a funny joke about Pokemon that you would like to share? Click here to submit your joke!

Bookmark this site and come back tomorrow for more great yo mama jokes.