Yo moma's so ugly even MALES are unaffected by her attract.
Yo momma so dumb she doesn't know how to work her PokeNav.
Yo momma so ugly even Feebas has to divert its eyes.
Yo momma so ugly when she uses attract the other Pokemon kills itself
Yo momma's so fat and heavy, even Psychic being used by every Psychic-type Pokemon in the world at once can't lift her even a little bit.
Yo momma's got so hot temper, that it's even hotter than Ho-oh's Overheat.
Yo momma's so beautiful, she can beat Gardevoir and other PokeWaifus in a beauty contest!
Yo momma's so dumb she lost to Psyduck on Jepordy.
Yo momma's so fat her body slam attack is a 1-hit KO move.
Yo momma's so fat if she was poisoned her fat would smother it.
Yo momma's so fat it takes 5 alakazams along with 10 machamps to get her to the fridge.
Yo momma's so fat no other kind of moves work on her either.
Yo momma's so fat she carries a Snorlax as a little poodle puppy!
Yo momma's so fat she uses a slaking as a back scratcher.
Yo momma's so fat that when she Surfed on her Wailord, the Wailord collasped from exhaustion.
Yo momma's so fat they needed a wailord sling to get her out of bed.
Yo momma's so fat when a Machoke used Low Kick on her, it fainted from the recoil damage.
Yo momma's so lazy, Slaking and Snorlax are jealous.
Yo momma's so slow, she makes Slowpoke look really fast.
Yo momma's so stupid she had a whole team of Magikarp, just because its her favorite pokemon.
Yo momma's so stupid she lost to a Magikarp at chess.
Yo momma's so stupid she thought rhyhorn is a kind of musical instrument.
Yo momma's so stupid she thought Tepig was Umbreon!
Yo momma's so ugly not even Charizard could make her hot.
Yo momma's so weak, even a Splash is an OHKO to her.
You mama's so ugly when she uses Attract, it fails every time.
I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!
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