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Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Showing 91 to 120 of 146 Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes
Yo mama's so ugly people want her as an event pokemon for next Halloween.
Yo mama's so ugly pokemon hit with her lovely kiss never wake up.
Yo mama's so ugly she became an zombie extra in Pokewood's La Nebbia Rossa.
Yo mama's so ugly she makes a Purugly look cute.
Yo mama's so ugly she makes ditto swear off breeding.
Yo mama's so ugly she's caused brock to almost always have his eyes closed.
Yo mama's so ugly she's the real reason why AZ built the Ultimate Weapon.

Funny Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Yo mama's so ugly that when she's sent into battle she instantly wins.
Yo mama's so weak that ASH could beat her without even using a pokemon!
Yo mamma so fat she got a school of Wailord beached on her belly!
Yo mamma so fat Snorlax worship her as a goddess.
Yo mamma so fat that hyperbeam couldn't penetrate her fats.
Yo mamma so slow, she moves after counter or mirror coat!
Yo mamma so stupid Slowpoke looks like Einstein in comparison!
Yo mamma so ugly every time she uses Attract, the other pokémon commits suicide.

More Hilarious Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Yo mamma so ugly she lost to a Feebas in a beauty pageant!
Yo mamma so worthless everyone chooses ratata over her.
Yo mamma's lips are so chapped that Sweet Kiss does damage!
Yo mamma's so fat, she actually does damage with Splash.
Yo mamma's so stupid, she thinks Splash can do damage.
Yo mamma's so big Mega Horn hits every time.
Yo mamma's so dumb that spinda seem normal compared to her.
Yo mamma's so fat even an Air Balloon can't get her ass off the ground.

Even More Yo Momma to Jokes Enjoy

Yo mamma's so fat when she came back from the beach I thought she was a Magmortar!
Yo mamma's so slow I thought slowpoke was using Quick Attack.
Yo mamma's so slow Regigigas attacks first.
Yo mamma's so ugly Ditto can't transform into her
Yo mamma's so ugly Ditto won't breed with her in the daycare.
Yo mams's so ugly she went to the Great Marsh and all the Barboach gasped in horror.
Yo mom's so fat when she uses Rock Blast she throws Gigaliths.

Still More Yo Mama Jokes to Explore

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

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Bookmark this site and come back tomorrow for more great yo mama jokes.