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Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Showing 61 to 90 of 146 Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes
Yo mama's so fat she cannot be lifted even by Psychic attacks!
Yo mama's so fat she caught the pokerus and it died of high cholesterol.
Yo mama's so fat she could crush a Snorlax!
Yo mama's so fat she couldn't find any Pokemons because she sat on all of them.
Yo mama's so fat she irons her clothes down Cycle Path.
Yo mama's so fat she jumped into the sea in hoenn and killed kyogre.
Yo mama's so fat she makes a Snorlax look like a chihuahua!

Funny Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Yo mama's so fat she makes Snorlax look like a slim jim in comparison.
Yo mama's so fat she makes Snorlax look thin.
Yo mama's so fat she used splash and the planet split in two.
Yo mama's so fat Snorlax went "Woah mama!"
Yo mama's so fat that she is the heaviest Pokemon in the Pokemon World at over 100 tonnes.
Yo mama's so fat when she farted, people thought she learned Eruption.
Yo mama's so fat when she gets cut she bleeds Casteliacones.
Yo mama's so fat when she goes to the beach people think she's a beached Wailord.

More Hilarious Yo Mama Pokemon Jokes

Yo mama's so hot, a male Milotic and a male Dragonair got themselves a boner.
Yo mama's so nasty she string shots my Diglett on a daily basis.
Yo mama's so round that she makes a Pokéball look flat!
Yo mama's so slow, even a Slowpoke outspeeds her!
Yo mama's so smart, she beat an Alakazam at chess.
Yo mama's so stupid she had to ask an old caffeine-addicted man how to catch a Caterpie.
Yo mama's so stupid she thought Arbok evolved into Seviper!
Yo mama's so ugly a kid tried to capture her thinking she was a jynx!

Even More Yo Momma to Jokes Enjoy

Yo mama's so ugly Ash tried to catch her.
Yo mama's so ugly even Sliggoo can't stand to face her.
Yo mama's so ugly Feebas was forced to use the “You’re not my type” card.
Yo mama's so ugly her move Sweet Kiss is a one hit knockout!
Yo mama's so ugly her mustache makes Probopass jealous.
Yo mama's so ugly not even Brock will hit on her.
Yo mama's so ugly not even Brock would approach that.

Still More Yo Mama Jokes to Explore

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

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Bookmark this site and come back tomorrow for more great yo mama jokes.