Yo mama's so hairy that she looks like Bigfoot in a tank top.
Yo mama's so hairy that two birds made nests in her armpits and she doesn't even know about it!
Yo mama's so hairy, she has dreadlocks on her back
Yo mama's so hairy, she shaves with a lawnmower
Yo mama's so ugly her armpits are so hairy it looks like she had Buckwheat in a headlock.
Yo mama's hair is so short, when she braids it, it looks like stitches.
Yo mama's so hairy even her STD’s gets lost!
Yo mama's so hairy she they thought she was king kong.
Yo mama's so hairy that if she could fly she'd look like a magic carpet.
Yo mama's so hairy that if you shaved her legs, you could supply wigs for the entire Hair Club for Men.
Yo mama's so hairy that she got a trim and lost 20 pounds.
Yo mama's so hairy that she has afros on her nipples.
Yo mama's so hairy that she has to go to Furfest to meet a man.
Yo mama's so hairy that she has to part the hair on her butt in order to go to the bathroom.
Yo mama's so hairy that she looks like a Chia pet with a sweater on.
Yo mama's so hairy that she looks like she has Buckwheat in a headlock.
Yo mama's so hairy that she shaves her legs with a weedwacker.
Yo mama's so hairy that she's got sideburns on her tits.
Yo mama's so hairy that when I took her to a pet store they locked her in a cage.
Yo mama's so hairy that when she's at a nude beach people think she's wearing a fur coat!
Yo mama's so hairy when you were born you almost died of rug burn.
Yo mama's so hairy whenever she moons people they turn into werewolves.
Yo mama's so harry down there that when the kids came out they died of rugburn.
Yo mama's underarms are so hairy she looks like she has Don King in a headlock.
Yo mamma's so hairy when she puts on a yellow dress she looks like big bird.
Yo Mamma's so hairy, when you were born, you got carpet burn.
Yo mamma's so hairy when she lays down on the floor everyone thinks you have got a shag carpet.
Yo mom's is so hairy I seen the yeti taking pictures of her.
Yo momma got a metal afro with rusty sideburns.
Yo momma hair so short when she braided it they looked like stiches.
I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!
Do you have a funny joke about so hairy that you would like to share? Click here to submit your joke!
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