Yo mama's such a slut that around her electrons have a positive charge.
Yo mama'ssues all the TGTs(Ticket granting tickets)! Oh yeah? Well Yo mom accepts them!
Yo mamags so big that she has a gravitational pull equal to that of the sun.
Yo mamma's so fat she sat on a binary tree and flattened it to a linked list in constant time.
Yo mamma's so fat the atoms of her fat cells are fusing into those of heavier elements.
Yo maternal unit is so antiquated, it is still equipped with a basic binary memory core.
Yo mom has so many contributors her fork queue paginates.
Yo mom smells worse than norbornylene.
Yo mom's so fat when she walks she sheds vortices so large that modern synoptic-scale models include her as a factor
Yo mom's a nohup process. She still serving after I leave .
Yo mom's an ACL. She blocks all the traffic. Well, except layer 1 traffic that is....
Yo mom's file system is FAT32!
Yo mom's in my /etc/fstab. I mount her every time I boot up .
Yo mom's so big she needs her own namespace.
Yo mom's so conservative that I get AccessDeniedException.
Yo mom's so disorganised she lives on a heap.
Yo mom's so dumb her brain runs on compact framework.
Yo mom's so dumb she thought a runtime error was something that happens when you’re sitting on the toilet.
Yo mom's so dumb she uses her car key for asymmetric encryption.
Yo mom's so easy her firewall permission are implicit permit any any .
Yo mom's so fat I called her and got a Stack Overflow
Yo mom's so FAT Microsoft are chasing her for a patent violation.
Yo mom's so fat she can do pair programming alone.
Yo mom's so fat she has her own extensibility model
Yo mom's so fat she used herself to cause a BufferOverflow exception to crack the I-R-S-D-Base.
Yo mom's so fat that she can theoretically eat as much as she wants and can't get any fatter or she would create a spinning vortex and engulf herself.
Yo mom's so fat that she swallows all exceptions.
Yo mom's so fat when you draw any three point on her, Ceva's Theorem fails to work even if she went under a f'(x) = f(nx) transformation as n approaches infinity!
Yo mom's so fat you need 128 bit integers to describe her weight!
Yo mom's so hot, they named Milf View Controller after her.
I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!
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